Thursday, October 17, 2019

Cold war Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Cold war - Research Paper Example Each tried to spread their ideologies to many countries as possible throughout the world, effectively dividing the free world between capitalism and communism. America was  lending economic and military assistance to the nations that agreed with its Capitalist  ideology, and Russia doing the same on the other side. This lead to division in, Korea which was split into North and South Korea, as well as Germany, which was divided into; East, for Russian and West for The  US and its allies; the extent of the division was embodied in the construction of the Berlin wall. The 25 miles wall was put up to prevent citizens of the East side from escaping to the west side. Hot conflicts also resulted from the war with the effects and losses being escalated by the backing of the superpower for each side i.e. in Korea and Vietnam. The war was hence fought in a variety of ways such as the arms race, with each country trying to acquire the most advanced atomic weaponry, the space race, where e ach of the two countries tried to make the biggest steps in space exploration as well as arming and supporting countries engaged in fighting with the other side’s supporters. ... From this point onwards both countries endeavored to produce as many weapons of mass destruction as possible mainly missiles, fast planes and bombs. New weapons were experimented on and, by 1960, both nations were working on mobile controlled missiles it was estimated that, by 1961, enough bombs had been made to destroy the whole world most of them by the two rival nations. They had bombs that could cause about a hundred times more damage than the catastrophic Hiroshima bomb had caused in Japan. 2 This had considerable financial implications since both spent millions in the development of weapons although America had the edge since it had a stronger economy. This led to the theory of mutual assured destruction  (MAD) which many claimed was the main reason the world saved from war, each of the two rival camps had so many weapons that if one attacked the other and the latter allies reiterated with nuclear weapons, there would be no winner, but both sides would suffer catastrophic los ses. Around 1970, the two nations were cognizant of the need to deal with the issue more flexibly and talks on reduced armaments begun in Ernest. The death or Stalin, a hardliner was also instrumental in ending the war as he was replaced by Goberchev who was more willing to negotiate with America. Russia backed North Korea in its attempt to invade and take over the south, and the United Nations backed the South, China also joined in the war and, for several years, the two sides fought each other with the armies driving each other to and fro, until they agreed to negotiate. This was; however, one of the conflicts between Russia and the USA albeit by proxy. The Vietnam War was

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