Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Building Character Through Personal Responsibility free essay sample

I determined The Nature, Advantages and Limits of Personal Responsibility In Pursuit of a Wellness Lifestyle Ardell Wellness Report to be a reliable and relevant source after I researched the title of the periodical and the author’s name, Donald B. Ardell, Ph. D. in a couple of search engines like Google and Bing. The search engines mention his extensive book writing along with periodicals and essays published by several publishers since 1984. Mr. Ardell has been a member of the National Wellness Institute. He has won numerous national and world competitions. In July 2011, he was recognized with one of the highest honors in health promotion and wellness fields. I believe the author has an unbiased opinion on personal responsibility. From the information on line and a few of his periodicals I have read, Mr. Ardell seems to have an open mind on multiple topics. Although, I did not thoroughly read each of his periodicals, his thoughts were not read (in my opinion) to be judgmental. He is a motivational speaker who involves himself, inspires others, and has the ability to sway an audience to think outside the box when it comes to personal responsibility, their behaviors, and attitudes in their quest to have a better lifestyle when consequences of actions and a conscious thought process are considered before making a decision which may hurt you or those around you. I feel the information obtained may strengthen or may weaken my essay because Mr. Ardell’s periodical does not fully address character building. The periodical addresses more of the medical and health care issues of responsibility. Mr. Ardell lightly touches the subject of personal responsibility in the essence of making wise choices in life and his thoughts regarding a conscious and unconscious state of mind when deciding between doing what is right or taking the easy way of doing wrong which, I do concur with. Who really benefits from jeopardizing integrity, moral, and humility? In his article, he mentions something about emotions, genes, and drives and I suppose I can further interconnect my essay with these elements so I believe Mr. Ardell’s periodical does address similar strong points of view within my essay. Personal responsibility in my opinion is part of one’s character. I believe it is first instilled by your parents, taught by schoolteachers, and learned through life experiences as people grow from childhood to becoming an adult. Taking responsibility of your actions and accepting consequences of those actions builds integrity. The ability to step forward without hesitations to address you have made a mistake makes a statement about you as a person. On the other hand, a person can look at personal responsibility from a different angle; spiritually, family and career. The strongest reasons supporting my opinion are family values, which were instilled by my grandmother. Another strong reason supporting my opinion is the respect given and received by those influenced or surrounded by you. A person displays integrity, responsibility, reliability and character because an individual can admit when he or she are wrong, learn from it and accept constructive criticism. People will either positively embrace what is being presented and improve or have a negative reaction, which will reflect, in all areas of their life. The relationship between personal responsibility and college success are parallel in respect to time management and prioritization. Properly managing your time to read and review class materials along with completing required assignment takes dedication and the drive to succeed. In addition to time management, one must prioritize daily routines through organization. Self-discipline is essential, too by rescheduling events, shifting task responsibility, or eliminating obstacles to accomplish these goals. Having a support system relieves anxieties and stresses in life which stem from the unknowing or feelings of being overwhelmed; questioning if you are capable of accomplishing the ultimate goal, graduating with a degree. My preliminary plan to practice personal responsibility in my education is not quite clear. I strongly believe I will make a conscientious effort to complete all assignments on time, ask questions when I do not understand, maintain a balance between family, work and school, and take one day for myself to relax; to breathe, see it through by staying focused, maintain a ositive attitude that I can and will succeed because I have taken the first step to better my future for myself, family and my career. My defined reflective personal ethical viewpoint regarding the Ethical Lens Inventory is the â€Å"Rights and Responsibility Lens†. With that being perceived from the questionnaire taken, I do agree with the findings of this lens. I had to read, consider and proce ss then re-read the overall results when I first received it. I was taken aback by the results because I could not believe this ethics game actually conveyed me; pinpointed to the core of who I know and believe I truly am as a person. Considering the results of my lens, I am proud being me and the person I have been sculpted as an adult. Most people do not know how to accept me because I do speak my mind; good, bad or indifferent. I tend not to sugarcoat the truth when asked my opinion nor will I side with an opinion I disagree with. I have my own thoughts and beliefs, which makes me unique in my own sense of worth. Is this considered a strength or weakness? I can honestly say it straddles the fence. Meaning, my character and ethics are sometimes questioned by those who feel choices and decisions I stand firm by do not sway to their logic. In my opinion, my values and beliefs are strong. I do not apologize for maintaining the values, moral ethics, and integrity instilled in me. On the other side of it, there are those who appreciate my character and welcome it. It gives them a voice when they are afraid to use their own. Determining a course of action would depend on a case-by-case situation. I cannot answer how I may use my personal ethics to decide a course of action without a specific scenario. My course of action may not be agreeable to all parties involved because I believe in doing the hard right over an easy wrong. The blind spot to all of this for me is the bottom line. Do I submit to what society believes is the right way as a whole; go along with the majority or do I continue with the belief that everyone is entitled to their own opinion? I accept the option agree to disagree. At the same token, I am receptive to suggestions, approaching from different avenues, and keeping an open-mind to ideas, I am not solely convinced. This is me; either accept it or decline it. Your choice and everyone has one.

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